Application Payments

Pay For Your Nevada Mayflower Applications





Payments is due at the time the application is ready to submit to GSMD and without it we can not submit it.

You can pay by check, credit card or using Zelle. 

    • If you pay by check mail it to Nevada Mayflower Treasurer, 8495 Opal Station Dr., Reno NV 89506
    • If you pay by credit card we add the merchant processing fee that we are charged.
    • The Zelle QR code is below and be sure you are sending your payment to    Do not add the conscience fee.


A new Nevada Mayflower application is $225.

  • GSMD Fee of $150
  • Nevada fee of $25
  • 1st year membership of $50

Pay with credit card ($232.03)


A new Nevada supplemental application is $175.

  • GSMD Fee of $150
  • Nevada fee of $25

Pay with credit card ($180.54)



A new Nevada Junior membership is $25

  • Nevada Fee of $25

You may pay for more than 1 junior member under 18 years at a time, but only ever pay once.

Pay with credit card ($26.06)

(we will send you the application form)


To pay with Zelle scan the QR code below or pay to on the Zelle app on your phone.

Do not pay directly to the treasurer’s personal email or phone number.