
The State of Nevada Mayflower Society depends on the generosity and support of our members and friends around the world to carry out our mission.  We invite you to help us continue reaching out to share the principles of civil and religious liberty that the Mayflower Pilgrims brought to America and to tell their story — a legacy that means so much to us and to future generations.

You may wish to make an unrestricted gift to the General Society, or to one or both of the Colonies, to fund our projects, or you may choose to donate to a Special Project.

An unrestricted gift to our General Fund typically provides aid to funding genealogical research, public outreach, education, and junior members programs. Special donations typically go to one time projects such as providing Silver Books to selected libraries across the state. We are a 501(c)(3) so your donations are tax deductible.  Large donations should be made by check, after consulting your tax expert.

Fund Us Thru Supporting Stores

Help support us financially by shopping at stores that support us

The following stores gives us a small amount back on your purchases.  Some like See’s Candies give us a small portion of your purchase, or some like Smith’s Inspiring Donations and the stores associated with ShopRaise share a small percentage (very small) of their profits.  In either case, if many members, family members, and friends help us out we can do more for you at no extra cost to you.  Please help fund our activities by signing up as our member with them, or purchasing through us.

   – See’s: Click the button below to go to the Nevada Mayflower Store and shop.
   – Smith’s: (still being setup)
   – ShopRaise: Click on the button below to get their app and associate it with “Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Nevada”, then shop at their many stores thought the app.  With ShopRaise you can even buy Amazon Gift Cards to give or shop with, and we get 1% at no cost to you.