Compact Day in Las Vegas
Compact Day in Las Vegas
Joins us for our Annual Compact Day in Las Vegas. This is the Day that the State Society gets together, like the Pilgrims did in November 1620 when they pledged their loyalty and chose a leader. We will meet to review the year’s happenings, and then will fellowship as members of the society and cousins. We also are having a special entertainer. The Mayflower Compact – as it is known today – was signed by those 41 “true” Pilgrims on 11 November, 1620, and became the first governing document of Plymouth Colony and the first governing document by ordinary people in the new world. It declared that the colonists were loyal to the King of England, that they were Christians who served God, that they would make fair and just laws, and that they would work together for the good of the Colony. They also chose John Carver as Plymouth Colony’s first governor. Buy your Event Tickets and Raffle Tickets online here Print an Invoice to Pay by Check here To reserve a room at the Mayflower Compact rate in the Tuscany click here or click on the website link below for venue features and other offers.