Renew Dues

Renew Annual Dues Conveniently

Renew your annual dues below using credit card (we add a convenience fee to cover the card fees our merchant provider takes), or for no fees pay with Zelle or pay by check (a minimum $25 fee will be charged on returned checks.)  For many years we have kept the membership at $45, but with the cost increases we are sorry to say we are raising the annual membership to $50 each.  After you pay you dues please consider going to the donation page and give to the state society and/or one of the colonies.  This helps us with our programs and keeps the dues down for those least able to pay.

Associate Membership

Single $10 Associate Membership
Send us a contact form
Pay $10.61

Junior Membership

Single $25 Junior Membership Payment (Junior memberships are a one time only payment)
Send us a Junior Application
Pay $26.06

Annual Membership

Single $50 Membership
Pay $51.80
Two Memberships
Pay $103.30
Three Memberships
Pay $154.79

Annual Membership Plus Late Fees ($10 each) after December 31st

Single Membership and Late Fee
Pay $62.10
Two Memberships and Late Fees
Pay $123.89
Three Memberships and Late Fees
Pay $185.68

Annual Membership Plus One Associate Membership

Single Membership & 1 Associate Member
Pay $62.10
Two Memberships & 1 Associate Member
Pay $113.59
Three Memberships & 1 Associate Member
Pay $165.09

Miscellaneous Amounts

$10 + 0.61 Fee
$20 + 0.91 Fee
$30 + 1.21 Fee

–  For other variations or amounts send us an email at and we will email you an invoice or send us a check to:
The Society of  Mayflower Descendants in the State of Nevada

8495 Opal Station Drive
Reno, NV 89506-7778

After you pay you dues please consider going to the donation page and give to the state society and/or one of the colonies.  This helps us with our programs and keeps the dues down for those least able to pay.

Print 2016 Invoice Here to Pay by Check

You can also pay with Zelle at

Please use the standard payment rate without merchant fees and in the memo section identify everything you are paying for. We don’t want to guess or trouble you with a phone call.

Also, in the memo section please include your phone number, email, and member details so we can properly identify you and others you are paying for. (You don’t want your payment to get lost).

If you use Zelle, use only the Treasurer Email account not a phone number.
